
Advanced LIGO starts the 1st observation run

Space Science Seminar
Speaker:    Dr. Kiwamu Izumi(Postdoctoral fellow in physics, California
      Institute of Technology,LIGO Hanford Observatory)
Title:      Advanced LIGO starts the 1st observation run
 Gravitational waves are ripple of space-time which nobody ever directly detected.Advanced LIGO is an ambitious U.S. project that improves the sensitivity of LIGO  (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) and will be capable of  detecting a gravitational wave event from a neutron star binary at a distance of 200 Mpc.  The detection rate of advanced LIGO, if running fully at the design sensitivity,  may reach as high as a few events per year and therefore it will consequently allow us for opening a new astronomy branch, gravitational-wave astronomy. After finishing  all the installation in this Spring, we have spent our time on tuning the interferometers in order to prepare for the planned first observation run. The observation run will start at 14th of this September for three months with a lowered laser power. In this talk, I will give an overview of advanced LIGO together with some highlights from
 the recent turning experiments, and finally talk about possible detection scenarios.

日時:       2015年9月18日(金)16:30-17:30

場所:       宇宙研 A棟2階 大会議場
講師:       和泉 究氏(カリフォルニア工科大学 LIGO ハンフォード観測所研究員)
題目:       Advanced LIGO 観測始動
概要   重力波は未だかつて誰も直接観測をしていない時空の揺らぎの波である。
Advanced LIGO は米国主導のLIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave
Observatory)のアップグレード計画であり、200 Mpc 程度離れた中性子星連星か
トである。Advanced LIGO をデザイン感度で走らせると年間数イベント以上の重
重力波天文学が幕開けする と期待されている。今年の春にインストールが全行
程終了し、advanced LIGOはこれまで初観測に向けた干渉計の調整を行ってき
本トークではadvanced LIGOの概要を俯瞰しつつ、調整期間に実施された実験か

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