
Dr. Massimo Cappi

     “ISAS Astrophysics Colloquium”
Date:      2014-07-17(Thu) 11:00~

Ultra Fast Outflows (aka UFOs) in AGNs and their impact to Feedback

After reviewing the X-ray evidence of massive, high-velocity outflows in
nearby and distant AGNs/QSOs, I will discuss their relevance for
understanding the formation of AGN winds, as well as estimating the
amount of  mechanical feedback released by AGNs into their host
galaxies.  I will show some analogies, as well as differences, between
AGN winds and outflows  found in galactic BH/NS binaries, and will
briefly list some of the future advancements  in this field to be
expected from existing (XMM, Chandra, Suzaku, Nustar), near-future
(Astro-H) and future (Athena) high-energy observatories.

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