
XMM AO15 proposal: X-ray large scale survey of the nearby galaxy cluster Abell2199

2015-10: Submitted.

We use XMM to map the cluster Abell 2199 intermediate region (<3 p="" virial="">radius) and search X-ray faint substructures in a wide spacial range from
a galaxy to a cluster and larger sizes. We observed this area with SUZAKU
and found a number of structures and a hint of asymmetric large scale emission.
These substructures along with unresolved background sources should be
resolved spatially and covered fully with XMM imaging. Errors of the EPIC
background will be reduced by our SUZAKU deep spectra. These X-ray maps will
be compared with our wide area weak-lensing data observed with SUBARU Hyper
suprime-Cam. The XMM observations provide uniquely a direct comparison among
structures of galaxies, ICM, and dark matter.


Accepted observations:

Target              R.A.         Dec.       Duration   N   Pri  Fix    Com    Dup 
                 hh mm ss     dd mm ss        (sec)                               
                                               [1]    [2]  [3]  [4]    [5]    [6] 
A2199-off1       16 28 38.17  +39 53 01.0     28000    1    C                    
A2199-off2       16 28 38.17  +39 13 00.8     38000    1    C                    
A2199-off3       16 30 31.72  +39 32 59.3     38000    1    C                    
A2199-off4       16 26 44.14  +39 33 00.0     28000    1    C                    
A2199-off5       16 30 31.72  +39 53 01.0     28000    1    C                    
A2199-off6       16 26 44.14  +39 53 01.0     28000    1    C                    
A2199-off7       16 30 31.72  +39 13 00.8     28000    1    C                    
A2199-off8       16 26 44.14  +39 13 00.8     28000    1    C                    

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